Retention of Application Materials
State and federal law permit submission of a complaint to the Maine Human Rights Commission and/or the U.S. Office of Civil Rights within six months of an act alleged to have been unlawful discrimination.
Therefore, all records accumulated in the process of employing all instructional and support staff shall be retained for one (1) year. This shall include all applications, accompanying materials, references, notes made in checking references, all screening and interviewing rating sheets, and other pertinent information as well. Documentation of the recruiting and selection process shall also be retained.
All application materials and hiring process documentation accumulated in the employment of administrators (positions requiring Maine Department of Education administrator certification) shall be retained for three years.
Legal Reference:
Maine Human Rights Act, 5 MRSA§4551 et seq.
PL 1990, Chap. 889, codified in the statutes as: 5 MRSA§4576; 20-A MRSA§§6; 254.8-10; 256.1, 7; 1001.13; 4502.4,A; 13011.6; 13019-A.1, D; 13019-B.1,C.
Cross Reference:
GCFB - Recruitment and Hiring of Administrative Staff
Adopted: March 20, 1995
Revised: ________