School Committee-Declared Vacancy Caused by Absenteeism

When a member must be absent from a regular meeting of the Yarmouth School Committee for any reason, that member shall contact the School Committee Chair and request to be excused from the meeting. If the Chair must be absent, he/she shall contact the Vice-chair. The Chair (or Vice-chair) shall determine whether or not the request shall be granted. The minutes of each meeting shall reflect the names of the members present, those absent with excuse (if any) and those absent without excuse (if any).

The School Committee shall take the following action when a member is absent without excuse:

  1. After two consecutive unexcused absences from regular meetings, the member shall be notified in writing by the School Committee informing him/her that a third consecutive unexcused absence from a regular meeting will constitute cause for the School Committee to consider declaring his/her seat on the School Committee vacant.

  2. After three consecutive unexcused absences from regular meetings, the School Committee shall notify said member in writing that the School Committee will consider declaring his/her seat vacant at the next regular meeting of the School Committee or at a special meeting called for the purpose of considering this matter.

  3. At the meeting where the declaration of a vacancy, in accordance with this policy, is being considered, the School Committee member who is the subject of the action shall be provided the opportunity to present his/her reasons why the School Committee should not declare a vacancy.

  4. Following the deliberation outlined in sections B and C of this policy, the School Committee shall vote whether or not to declare a vacancy.

  5. Should a vacancy be declared in accordance with this policy, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the Town of Yarmouth Charter.

  6. An absence for any of the following reasons shall be routinely considered an excused absence: Illness of the member or members of his/her immediate family; death in the member’s family; a short-term family obligation; or an unavoidable commitment related to the member’s employment (so long as such a commitment is not of the type which prevents the member from attending on a regular basis). Absences for reasons other than those identified above shall be considered by the School Committee on an individual basis.

Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA § 2305
Town of Yarmouth Charter
Adopted: June 8, 1992
Revised: ________