School Committee Member Code of Ethics

Having accepted the challenge of service on this School Committee, I accept the principles set forth in the following code of ethics to guide me in helping to provide free public education to all the children of my school unit within the State of Maine.

  1. I will abide by all state and federal laws and regulations as well as local charter/ordinances.

  2. I will view service on the School Committee as an opportunity to serve my community, state, and nation.

  3. I will consider the educational needs of children and how they will be affected in all my deliberations and decisions.

  4. I will work to ensure that a high quality, public education is provided for the children in our district in accordance with the district’s mission and vision.

  5. I will remember at all times that as an individual I have no legal authority outside the meetings of the School Committee, and that I will conduct myself with sensitivity to that fact.

  6. I will recognize that my responsibility is not to operate the schools but to see that they are well operated.

  7. I will refer any complaints brought to my attention as a School Committee member to the proper authority within the school department.

  8. I will not criticize employees publicly, but will make such criticism to the Superintendent for investigation and action, if necessary.

  9. I will support a decision graciously once it has been made by the majority of the School Committee.

  10. I will make no disparaging remarks, in or out of the School Committee meetings, about other members of the School Committee or their opinions.

  11. I will not discuss confidential information outside of School Committee meetings.

  12. I understand my responsibility to attend and be prepared for every School Committee meeting. If personal circumstances prevent me from attending meetings regularly, I will consider resigning my position.

  13. I will welcome and encourage cooperation and participation by teachers, administrators, and other personnel in developing policies that affect their welfare and that of the children they serve.

  14. I will endeavor at all times to see that schools have adequate financial support within the capabilities of the community and state, in order that every child may receive the best possible education.

  15. I will not use my School Committee position for personal gain.

  16. I will make decisions openly after all facts bearing on a question have been presented and discussed.

  17. I understand that I have an obligation to vote on all matters before the School Committee unless I have a conflict of interest on a particular issue. I will inform the School Committee if I do have a conflict on any issue before the School Committee.

Adopted: June 8, 1992
Revised:  December 8, 2011