Schools in Yarmouth will be closed for the day on Thursday, February 13. With this closure, the final student day for the academic year is moved to Friday, June 13.
3 days ago, Yarmouth Schools
Due to the forecast for heavy snow by midday, there will be no school in the Yarmouth School Department on Thursday, February 6, 2025. With this cancellation, the last day of school for the 2024-2025 school year is now scheduled for Thursday, June 12.
10 days ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good evening - Due to the predicted arrival of tomorrow’s storm, Yarmouth Schools will run a half-day schedule on Thursday, February 6. Students at Yarmouth High School and Harrison Middle School will be released at 11:15 a.m. Students at Yarmouth Elementary School and Rowe School will be released at 12:00 p.m. Lunches will be offered at school. If we must change to a full-day closure of schools, that decision will be made by 5:00 a.m.
11 days ago, Yarmouth Schools
Yarmouth School Families: Please access your email for a message regarding a potential change to tomorrow's schedule (Thursday, February 6), pending the arrival of the predicted snowstorm. Thank you!
11 days ago, Yarmouth Schools
TWO-HOUR DELAY – Monday, February 3, 2025: There will be a two-hour delay to the start of school in Yarmouth today. This means all buses will run two hours later than normal for the morning pick-up. The school day will end at the normal time.
13 days ago, Yarmouth Schools
There will be a two-hour delay to the start of school in Yarmouth on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. Buses will run two hours later than normal for the morning pick-up for all students. The school day will end at the normal time. NOTE: Because Wednesdays are normally a one-hour late start for the High School, we will begin classes at YHS only one hour later than the typical Wednesday schedule (10:00 a.m.).
18 days ago, Yarmouth Schools
A structural fire has caused a portion of Rogers Road in Yarmouth to be closed at this time. We are rerouting our buses and hope to have students home at very close to their regular time. Parents in the area are being notified of alternate stops and should contact their child's school or the bus garage (846-2338) with questions.
20 days ago, Yarmouth Schools
We are thrilled to share that CMP has successfully replaced the faulty transformer at Frank Harrison Middle School, and the facility is now operating with 100% electrical power (and heat). We look forward to a "regular" day of school on Monday. Thank you for your patience!
2 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. CMP has been unable to respond to our request for repairs to their equipment at Frank Harrison Middle School. HMS families are encouraged to read an email sent this morning from Superintendent Dolloff as they prepare for the school day today (Friday, December 13).
2 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. We are experiencing reduced electrical power issues at HMS again this morning. CMP has been notified and will attempt to be there to address their equipment issues soon. We will plan to have a regular day at the school, though some classes may be relocated.
2 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Power issues continue at Yarmouth's HMS, and CMP is on the scene helping us resolve things. Thank you for your patience!
2 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. Power has been fully restored at Frank Harrison Middle School. Thanks once again to our facilities and maintenance crew for their outstanding work! Enjoy the day.
2 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. We are dealing with reduced electrical power at Frank Harrison Middle School this morning. We do have heat and lights in many areas of the school, and we will be able to prepare lunches. We may not be able to provide breakfast. We are working with CMP and local electricians to resolve the issue and hope to be fully operational soon. The school leadership team will make adjustments to the schedule if necessary, but we anticipate this issue will not interfere significantly with the student day.
2 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Yarmouth families - please remember the second event in this year's Family School Alliance speaker series, sponsored in part by the Yarmouth Education Foundation. Thursday night (12/5) at 6:00 p.m. at Yarmouth Elementary School, we'll hear from a panel of mental health professionals as they discuss "Childhood Anxiety - A Community Conversation." Read more, and sign up here:
2 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Flier with information about the evening presentation
Yarmouth High School will reopen on Tuesday, November 26 for a regular day of school. Investigations by Yarmouth Fire Department and other fire departments from around the region, including tests for carbon monoxide, combustible gases, and other air contaminants, have produced perfect results, with readings of 0.00 for all harmful substances. YHS families will be receiving a letter from the school administration with additional information.
3 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
We have made the decision to dismiss students from Yarmouth High School at 1:35 today. Although air quality tests have produced excellent results, we are experiencing a concerning number of students indicating that they do not feel well. Out of a continued abundance of caution, we are going to close the facility for the day and call for further investigation by public safety professionals. Students will be able to gather their belongings as they leave the building, and buses will make an additional run to take students home who require transportation.
3 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
The Fire Department has concluded its testing and determined it is safe for students and staff to return to Yarmouth High School. We will be adjusting the schedule so all students will be able to eat lunch and finish the school day at the normal time.
3 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Yarmouth High School staff and students have been relocated to other schools at this time. We anticipate making a decision on our ability to return to the high school soon.
3 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. Yarmouth High School has been evacuated as a precaution regarding an air quality complaint. Yarmouth Fire Department is on the scene to ensure the building is safe, and we will keep you updated.
3 months ago, Yarmouth Schools
Please remember to vote at Yarmouth Town Hall today in the Special Election to fill one vacant seat on the Yarmouth School Committee. Polls are open until 8:00 p.m. Enjoy this beautiful day!
4 months ago, Yarmouth Schools