2024-2025 School Committee Priorities and Superintendent Goals
On September 12, 2024, the School Committee identified several priority areas to be addressed during the 2024-25 school year. Superintendent Goals were developed consistent with those priority areas.
School Committee Priorities
Priority 1: School Culture and Climate
a. Continue to support the work of district staff in ensuring authentic practices and policies are in place to provide high-quality academic, personal wellness, and extra-curricular programming with equity of access for all students.
b. Work with the District Leadership Team to promote and further accessibility of existing programs and ensure equitable access for all students.
c. Provide the resources and support necessary to address the response matrix of the Equity Audit, specifically around student safety and staff development.
Priority 2: Programming
a. Consider Program Review items proposed by the DLT and from within the School Committee to ensure continual improvement remains in focus.
b. Support the District Leadership Team as they operationalize Year Three of the Strategic Plan, including expansion of non-traditional pathways to a diploma, professional development addressing equity, and parent/family engagement.
Priority 3: Resources
a. Respond to the FY24 and FY25 audit with suggestions for improving the School Department’s oversight of public funds.
b. Negotiate a fair successor collective bargaining agreement with the Yarmouth Education Association (Teachers).
c. Negotiate a successor collective bargaining agreement with the AFSCME Local 2010 support staff union.
d. Deliberate and approve a thoughtfully crafted, clearly articulated operating budget for the 2026 fiscal year (FY26) that appropriately supports academic and social-emotional development for all students while maximizing efficiencies.
Superintendent Goals
Goal 1: Safe and Equitable School Culture and Climate
a. Oversee implementation of the School Department’s response to the Equity Audit, providing an annual report to the School Committee identifying tasks completed and those still in the planning stages.
b. Support building-based administration in ensuring schools are safe places for all students, focusing on professional development regarding hateful symbols and language, studying the impact of electronic devices on the social-emotional well-being of students (and leading a subsequent policy analysis), and engaging parents in better understanding of the impact of substance use and abuse.
Goal 2: Continuously improving Student Programming
a. Continue implementation of Beyond 2020 – our current Strategic Plan - by reviewing, revising (if necessary) and adopting the Action Strategies matrix proposed by the District Leadership Team (DLT) and supporting the work necessary to address Year Three strategies (attached).
Address workshop requests and, with input from DLT, develop Program Review items and presentations for School Committee consideration, such as a review of academic support services and completion of in-house custodial expansion.
Goal 3: Efficient and effective use of district resources
a. Oversee the development of a thoughtfully crafted, clearly articulated operating budget for the 2026 fiscal year (FY26) that appropriately supports academic and social-emotional development for all students while maximizing efficiencies.
b. Support the School Committee as they negotiate a successor collective bargaining agreement with the Yarmouth Education Association Teachers’ unit.
c. Support the School Committee as they negotiate a successor collective bargaining agreement with the AFSCME Local 2010 support staff union.