Yarmouth School Bus

We are pleased to provide updated transportation information for the 2021-2022 school year, which starts on Wednesday, September 1!

Please remember that all students are required to wear face coverings while riding our buses. Assigned seating will be enforced, and we will encourage open windows as weather allows. Students will apply hand sanitizer as they enter the bus.

Please review the schedules linked below to determine approximate arrival and departure times at each bus stop. These times vary significantly the first few days of school due to students and drivers getting used to the new routine. We ask that families do their best to have students ready to board the bus and minimize time spent at each stop so drivers can stay on schedule as much as possible.

Please feel free to call our transportation office at 846-2338 should you have any questions.

To find the bus stop closest to your address please click on the Bus Route Locator. [NOTE: When using the Bus Route Locator, please use your full address (including the designation of street, lane, avenue, etc.]